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international conference sharing society - the impact of collaborative and collective actions in the transformation of contemporary societies - Benjamin Tejerina (ed. ) / Cris Miranda De Almeida (ed. ) / Ignacia Perugorria (ed. )
international conference sharing society - the impact of collaborative and collective actions in the transformation of contemporary societies

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20,00 €

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The concept of collective action has been used in social sciences, giving birth to the prolific areas of protest, contentious politics and social movements studies. Many theoretical approaches have sprung up within these confines, reaching every corner of the academic world. But little research has so far delved into a crucial aspect of collective action: its collaborative dimension. This conference analyzes the characteristics and impact of collaborative collective actions in a context of erosion of the welfare state. It also discusses recent innovations, trends and concerns, as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of collaborative collective actions.


  • En las librerías elkar
  • En casa a partir de 49€ (solo en la península)


  • Máximo 15 días (desde la fecha de entrega)
  • Vías de devolución: en las librerías elkar, enviar al almacén (Haizpea industriagunea 1, 20150 Aduna).
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