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archaeology and history of peasantries 1 - from the late prehistory to the middle ages - Juan Antonio Quiros Castillo
archaeology and history of peasantries 1 - from the late prehistory to the middle ages

STOCKEAN Artikulua stock-ean. Artikulu hau eskuragarri dago elkar.eus gunean. Stock-ean dauden artikuluak 48 orduko epea (lan egunetan) amaitu aurretik ateratzen dira biltegitik. Entrega-epea aldatu egingo da bidalketa moduaren eta eskaera herriaren arabera.

20,00 €

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ETXEAN DOAN 49€tik gora

This book is the first in a series of collective volumes devoted to studying pre-industrial peasantries in the Iberian Peninsula and other European spaces from History and Social Archaeology. This theme experienced a major boom throughout the twentieth century but has progressively declined in recent decades within the theoretical renewal that characterized the postmodern turn and the fall of the Iron Curtain. However, the emergence of a new rural and peasant archaeology, increasing attention to cultural landscapes, the renewal of European social history and the profound consequences of the 2007-2008 financial crisis have created the conditions to question the validity of this topic, as well as to analyze the new theoretical and methodological approaches being used.


  • elkar liburu-dendetan
  • etxean 49€-tik aurrera (soilik penintsulan)


  • Gehienez 15 egun (jasotzen denetik)
  • Itzulketa bideak: elkar liburu-dendetan, biltegira bidali (Haizpea industriagunea 1, 20150 Aduna).
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