haur eta gazte literatura
haur eta gazte literatura
haur eta gazte literatura 6-8 urte
- Egilea: Susaeta Ediciones
- ISBN: 978-84-677-9217-1
- EAN: 9788467792171
- Argitaletxea: SUSAETA S.A.
- Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
- Edizio urtea: 2023
- Orri kopurua: 16
- Neurria: 260x310x17
1-3 astean
Have great fun with this very original version of the story of Cinderella! In addition, on each page of the book there are lots of objects and characters that the prince, when looking for the owner of the slipper, has not been able to find. Some are very easy, some not so easy, and others rather difficult. Do you know where they could be?