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(cexr 4) sherlock (+audio online) - Richard Macandrew
(cexr 4) sherlock (+audio online)

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12,50 €

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ETXEAN DOAN 49€tik gora

This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. Three cases from the files of the world's most famous detective: in The Bruce Partington Plans some highly confidential government plans go missing and Holmes knows the solution to the theft is not simple; in The Devil's Foot Holmes' holiday is interrupted by an event which seems more supernatural than criminal; and in The Copper Beeches, Holmes receives a visit from a woman who's been offered a well-paid job with some very strange conditions... This paperback's in British English. Download the complete audio recording of this title and additional resources at cambridge.org/experience-readers Cambridge Experience Readers get teenagers hooked on reading.


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  • etxean 49€-tik aurrera (soilik penintsulan)


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