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ep 4 - rise & shine (and) pack (+interactive st+wb + digital resources access code) - Aa. Vv.
ep 4 - rise & shine (and) pack (+interactive st+wb + digital resources access code)
  • ISBN: 978-84-205-7855-2
  • EAN: 9788420578552
  • Argitaletxea: ANAYA
  • Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
  • Edizio urtea: 2023
  • Formatua: RUSTIKA

STOCKEAN Artikulua stock-ean. Artikulu hau eskuragarri dago elkar.eus gunean. Stock-ean dauden artikuluak 48 orduko epea (lan egunetan) amaitu aurretik ateratzen dira biltegitik. Entrega-epea aldatu egingo da bidalketa moduaren eta eskaera herriaren arabera.

22,70 €

elkar txartela 22,70 €

Saskiratu saskiratu

Bidalketa gastuak ?

DOAN elkar dendetan

ETXEAN DOAN 49€tik gora

Based on extensive research in Andalusia, and in complete alignment with the new curriculum, Rise and Shine is a new 6-level Primary course built on the unique Shine methodology. Rise and Shine is designed to ensure quality education and equal opportunities for all children, and to build children's English language abilities while simultaneously equipping them with the competences they need to meet the demands of the global world of today and tomorrow.


  • elkar liburu-dendetan
  • etxean 49€-tik aurrera (soilik penintsulan)


  • Gehienez 15 egun (jasotzen denetik)
  • Itzulketa bideak: elkar liburu-dendetan, biltegira bidali (Haizpea industriagunea 1, 20150 Aduna).
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