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Liburuak  »  arte ederrak  »  pintura eta eskultura  »  pintura-eskultura monografiak
hans haacke - Jon Bird / Bertolt Brecht / Walter Grasskamp
hans haacke
  • ISBN: 978-0-7148-4319-3
  • EAN: 9780714843193
  • Argitaletxea: PHAIDON
  • Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
  • Edizio urtea: 2004
  • Formatua: RUSTIKA
  • Orri kopurua: 160
  • Neurria: 295x250x19

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39,95 €

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New York-based German artist Hans Haacke (b.1936) is a unique figure who has had an international reputation since the start of his career in the 1960s His work has crossed such diverse movements as Conceptual, Pop, Minimal and Land Art. He is particularly admired for his research into the art world's hidden economies and politics, as well as into the repressed histories of places and people. Haacke is highly respected as a writer and thinker, and his integrity as well as the formal innovations of his art have proven highly influential for many generations of contemporary artists.


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