zone of interest, the
- Egilea: Martin Amis
- ISBN: 978-0-09-959368-3
- EAN: 9780099593683
- Argitaletxea: RANDOM HOUSE INT
- Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
- Edizio urtea: 2015
- Formatua: RUSTIKA
STOCKEAN Artikulua stock-ean. Artikulu hau eskuragarri dago gunean. Stock-ean dauden artikuluak 48 orduko epea (lan egunetan) amaitu aurretik ateratzen dira biltegitik. Entrega-epea aldatu egingo da bidalketa moduaren eta eskaera herriaren arabera.
Surely his masterpiece ... Intelligent, terrifying and comic ... Amis has tackled the biggest questions with imagination and intelligence, and the ultimate strength of this masterly novel is that he knows, and shows, that although there is no answer to the questions Auschwitz poses, we must never stop asking them. Read it, ponder it  revel in it indeed  then read it again.'